Mondsee as perfect scenery for your wedding
About 250 bridal couples from more than 30 different countries use the opportunity to say yes in Mondsee every year . The advantages are obivous - let us present them to you.
For your civil wedding service an ancient representation room in the Mondsee castle is used. As an alternative the civil wedding service can take place on one of our ships while cruising over the Mondsee lake.
As a special benefit we guarantee at least 45min time for your ceremony. As you may have heard in some towns the whole act has to be finished within 15 minutes. We think this is too little time for the most beautiful day of your life. Therefore we ask for your understanding that a maximum of eight civil wedding services can take place a day. If you intend to marry in Mondsee please ask for free dates a minimum of 4 months in advance.
For your religious wedding service you may choose between the various churches in the region. Not only the famous wedding church from the movie "Sound of Music" is placed at the disposal. By the way - in our catholic and protestant churches religious services between different confessions are not at problem at all. Ecomenical services to us are in a todays globalized world a matter of course.
To get some impression how your wedding could be like just watch the fotos above. We'd like to thank the bridal couples and fotographers for providing them.
In Verbindung stehende Artikel:
Tourism association Mondsee-IrrseeDr. Franz Müller Str. 3
5310 Mondsee
Telefon +43 6232 2270
Fax +43 6232 2270-22
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