© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Herbert Benedik; Winterlandschaft mit Berg- und Seeblick
Blick auf den Mondsee und die mit Schnee bedeckten Berge des Salzkammergutes. Die Sonne scheint, es ist keine einzige Wolke am Himmel.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) in our tourist office
We provide answers to questions on the following topics:

Frequently asked questions

which we are happy to answer

Where can I swim with my dog? Where are there charging stations for e-bikes? Are the car parks in Mondsee free of charge? When does the Advent market take place? Can you ice skate on the Irrsee and Mondsee? ...

Culture and history

How did the Mondsee and the district of Schwarzindien get their names? When are the museums and the basilica open?

Culture & History