© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Herbert Benedik; Schneeschuhwandern bei Sonnenschein im Mondseeland
© Traces in the snow © TVB Mondsee-Irrsee
Traces of a snow shoe hike in the snow.

Company details

Media Owner and Publisher
Tourismusverband MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee
Dr. Franz Müller Straße 3
5310 Mondsee
Tel.: +43 (0) 6232 2270
@ info@mondsee.at

The tourism association MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee is a public corporation and was decreed on 19 May 2004 by the Upper Austrian State Government. (LgBL. [State Law Gazette] 29/2004). The tourism association MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee is subject to the Upper Austrian Tourism Act 2018. Managing director: Mag. FH Thomas Ebner

Unless stated otherwise: Tourism association MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee
All rights reserved.

Media Purpose / Statement Pursuant to Section 25(4) MedienG [Austrian Media Act]
Information, tips and services for visitors, guests, locals and second home owners in Mondsee-Irrsee, tourist and leisure businesses as well as members of the tourism association, the media and other business partners.

see our Team.

Information about our Website

Technical Responsibility:
Tourismus Technologie GmbH
Freistädter Straße 119, A-4041 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7277-300
email: info@ttg.at, www.ttg.at

Graphics and Design:
OrtnerSchinko - A Creative Studio
Mühlkreisbahnstraße 7
4040 Linz
email: studio@ortnerschinko.com
web: www.ortnerschinko.com


Additional information in line with the E-Commerce-Gesetz [E-Commerce Act] (see BGBl. [Federal Law Gazette] 21.12.2001, section 5(1/2)
1. Name of the Service Provider: Tourism association MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee
2. Address: Dr. Franz Müller Straße 3, 5310 Mondsee
3. Electronic mail address: info@mondsee.at
4. Company register number and register court: not applicable to public corporations
5. Supervisory Authority: State of Upper Austria
6. Chamber affiliation: as part of its commercial activities, the tourism association MondSeeLand Mondsee – Irrsee is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Upper Austria and the following divisions/sections: Dispatch, Internet and general commerce, travel agency trade group, advertising and market communication trade group as well as the trade association for leisure, sport businesses and the event industry
7. Value Added Tax Identification Number: ATU 39411506

All prices stated on this page are consumer prices (gross prices) unless stated otherwise. These prices include VAT and all other levies and surcharges.

Data Protection
With regard to this, please take note of our Privacy Policy.

The tourism association MondSeeLand does not assume any guarantee for the currency, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Any liability claims against the tourism association MondSeeLand relating to material and non-material damage caused by (not) using provided information and/or using incorrect and incomplete information are generally excluded, unless the tourism association MondSeeLand evidently acted in an intentional or grossly negligent manner. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The tourism association MondSeeLand expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently suspend publication of parts of the pages or of the entire offer without separate notification.

References and Links
With direct or indirect references to third-party web pages, so-called “links” which are beyond the area of responsibility of the tourism association MondSeeLand, a liability obligation only exists if the tourism association MondSeeLand was aware of the content and if it would have been technically feasible and reasonable for it to prevent usage in the event of illegal content. The tourism association MondSeeLand expressly declares herewith, that at the time of the link being placed, the linked web pages did not contain illegal content. The tourism association MondSeeLand has no influence on the current and future layout of the web pages, their content and the origin of linked web pages.

The tourism association MondSeeLand therefore expressly distances itself from any content on linked web pages which was subject to changes after the link was placed. This applies to links and references placed within the company’s own internet offering and to third-party entries into guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists etc. created by the company. The website provider referred to shall be exclusively liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and, particularly, for damages resulting from (not) using such information; the person solely making reference to links to respective publications is not liable.

Copyright and Trademark Law
The tourism association MondSeeLand makes every effort to comply with any and all copyright applicable to graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use its own graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts or to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts which are licence-free. Any brands and trademarks presented on the website and, possibly, protected by third parties are entirely subject to the provisions of applicable trademark laws and the title of the relevant owner. A mere indication does not mean that brands are not protected by third-party rights! Copyright applicable to published items which the tourism association MondSeeLand created itself shall exclusively remain with the owner of the web pages. The reproduction or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or print publications is not permitted without the express consent of the tourism association MondSeeLand.

With regard to the technical properties of the Internet, no guarantee can be assumed for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on the Internet. Neither is a guarantee for the availability or the operation of the concrete homepage and its content assumed. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages, irrespective of their cause, arising from the usage or non-availability of the data and information on this homepage, is as far as legally permissible, excluded. The content of this homepage is protected by copyright. The information is only intended for personal use. Any additional use including but not limited to storage in databases, reproduction and any form of commercial use as well as the transfer to third parties, even in part or revised form, is prohibited without the consent of the respective organisation. It must be refrained from including any individual web pages from our offering in external frames.

Use of Cookies, Google Analytics and Other Digital Technologies
With regard to this, please take note of our Privacy Policy.

Should parts or single phrases of this text not, no longer or not entirely correspond to applicable law, the content or the validity of the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected.


Tourism association Mondsee-Irrsee
Dr. Franz Müller Str. 3
5310 Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 2270
Fax machine +43 6232 2270-22
E-Mail info@mondsee.at
Web mondsee.salzkammergut.at/en