
A warm welcome [Griaß di]!

at the lakes #Mondsee and #Irrsee!

Discover two lakes that couldn't be more different, experience more than 6,000 years of history with the aroma of our nature and collect moments for life on your journey through our habitat.

We look forward to welcoming you!

© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee; Kreuzstein am Mondsee im Winter
Am Südufer des Mondsees befindet sich im Wasser ein großer Stein mit einem Kreuz oben drauf. Im Hintergrund des Bildes sieht man fast den ganzen Mondsee, die Drachenwand und die schneebedeckte Landschaft

Our philosophy

Our philosophy

We are pleased that you have found your way to us and cordially invite you to explore our living space!

Learn more.
© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee; Winterlandschaft Mondsee mit Schafberg
Blick über den Mondsee und die verschneite Region. Im Hintergrund ist der Schafberg
Mondsee - Irrsee


Mondsee - Irrsee


Explore our region and find out what the weather is or how busy the market square is.

take a look.
© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee, Melanie Stockinger; Abendrot im Winter am Irrsee
Sonnenuntergang am Irrsee. Das Abendrot spiegelt sich im Wasser, am Steg liegt Schnee. Am anderen Ufer sieht man schneebedeckte Hügel.
Nature experience &


Nature experience &


Let's explore the habitat Mondseeland, experience the aroma of our nature, enjoy regional delicacies and use sustainablie mobility.


A winter like back then

Away from the large ski areas, mass tourism and après-ski hustle and bustle, the living space around the two lakes Mondsee and Irrsee offers everything for a relaxing winter.

A schnapps as the "target water" for ice stock sport followed by a roast "in the rein", a lonely winter or snowshoe hike with breathtaking views, animal hiking fun with fluffy companions, a natural toboggan run and much more.

If you want, you can relax in the outdoor "hot pot" with a mug of mulled wine or stop by a host of your trust.