© Foto: TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Valentin Weinhäupl: Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.
Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.

#Mondsee #Irrsee



St. Lorenz am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
For our lakes - lake pollution managment
With the construction of 42 km of canals and 19 dressing pumps, 180 km of local sewers and 45 local pumping stations, 22 km of sewage pipelines, 1 small sewage treatment plant and a wastewater treatment plant as well as a fecal sewage station, the clean water association found the best solution for sewage disposal. The current costs are € 55 million. Due to the overall condition and the water purity of the Mondsee and the Irrsee, the sewer construction measures that have been implemented have proved to be successful, and due to the perfect clarification performance of our facilities the preservation of the swimming pool quality was ensured for the future. You could also say the precaution for drinking water quality.
Accessibility / arrival

Coming from the Westautobahn A1, turn right at the Mondsee exit towards St. Gilgen / Bad Ischl, drive approx. 2 km to the district of Black India. At the end, turn left and drive along the path, after approx. 400 m follow the signs to the right of the "Reinhaltungsverband" sign.


Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Schwarzindien 170
5310 St. Lorenz am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 2861
Fax machine +43 6232 2861 - 15
E-Mail office@rhv-moir.at
Web www.rhv-moir.at

Contact person
DI Andrea Mierl
Schwarzindien 170
5310 St. Lorenz am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 2861
Fax machine +43 6232 2861 - 15
E-Mail office@rhv-moir.at
Web www.rhv-moir.at

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