Shiatsu is a body therapy from the Chinese medicine. On the meridians (energy lines in the body), continuous and rhythmic pressure is applied with the thumb, palm, elbow or knee in order to bring the Qi (= energy) flow back into balance.
Where Qi can flow freely and unimpeded, life is also joy and health. Permanent stagnation in the flow of life energy causes an imbalance in the energy system. This may manifest itself as a disease, pain or malaise. Shiatsu can prevent this stagnation or help to overcome it.
In Shiatsu, man is captured in his entirety - as a unity of body, mind and soul. The harmonious interplay of these three levels is a central aspect in the Shiatsu work.
The aim is to create an inner balance, to regain or take over the self-awareness and self-responsibility for the body, mind and soul.
You can get your appointment for regeneration and recovery at +43 (0) 664 2860993.
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