© Foto: TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Valentin Weinhäupl: Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.
Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.

#Mondsee #Irrsee


Nature reserve Irrsee Moore

Zell am Moos am Irrsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

The moors around the Irrsee are a unique protected Habitat.
Source of the description: Naturschutzdatenbank des Landes Oberösterreich


The nature reserve "Irrseemoors" is made up of several parts in the area of ​​the north, east and south shore of Lake Irrsee, which together have an area of ​​about 50 ha. Most of them are lowland areas in the lake's sedimentary area, while in the north, wetland and lowland meadows are part of the nature reserve. Of plant communities moor grass meadows dominate (Gentiano-Molinietum), Stiff harrow Rieder (Caricetum elatum) Davallseggen swamps (Caricetum davallianae), small-scale and beak-sedge companies (Rhynchosporetum fuscae) and head bins Rieder (Primulo-Schoenetum-ferruginei). With regard to the types of vegetation, the low-mountain meadows, extensively cultivated in the form of strewing, are to be distinguished from the largely natural areas. These off-the use of standing moorland is for years unstaffed succession areas, which according to local site conditions as either verbuschende reeds wasteland, woodland islands or largely open Bulten- and Schlenk vegetation priority overgrown with peat moss, hair cap moss, cranberries and cotton grass are present.

Protective purpose:

Conservation of vegetation types by supporting the extensive management and preservation of the site factors in a sufficient framework. Preservation or support for the development of succession areas that are justifiable in nature protection.

This means from a conservation point of view in particular:  preservation of the local botanical and faunal biodiversity and the diversity of native vegetation communities by supporting the livelihoods of species protection of existing grassland areas as nutrient-poor, species-rich fen meadows

The basis for the variety of species is the continuation of the mowing of the Niedermoorwiesen as well as a permanent, as far as possible high soil wetting, but the extent to which the meadows are managed. Significant changes in the management or an intensification of the activities of the recreational use in the area of ​​these surfaces (frequent entry, camping, storage of boats or surfboards) would affect the site conditions and might endanger the habitat in its current expression. Extending the drainage system or intensifying the existing trenches would adversely affect the local conditions.

Securing the course of natural processes in the unmanaged sub-areas of the nature reserve

Interventions in these subregions (reed banks, Hochstaudenfluren, streams with riparian woodland, bog woodland and peat bog areas) interfere with the natural course of succession and are therefore carried out only in the course of nature conservation measures justified. Both the frequent entry as well as the erection of constructional installations or an anthropogenically caused nutrient supply adversely affect this protection goal. ??

Safeguarding and developing the nature reserve as a habitat for birdwatching birds

The protection of late mowing and the avoidance of the occurrence of visible woody stocks are of crucial importance, in particular, for the development of birds of prey. ??

Ensuring a wide range of noisefree area in the nature reserve

An important factor for the success of the breeding activity of brooding bird species is the largely undisturbed nature of their breeding and habitat. Due to the relatively large distance between the roads leading to the lake and the absence of noisy motor boats on the lake, the waterfront areas in the nature reserve are characterized by a considerable noise. The concentration of recreational use (bathing and camping sites) in some areas also fosters this situation. An expansion of leisure activities and the frequent use of motor boats would jeopardize this protection goal.

Preservation of the lakeside landscape characteristic of the Irrsee, characterized by extensively cultivated littered meadows and smaller woody structures as well as sediments. An important aspect of the landscape is the preservation of a low-impact, natural and spatial-type appearance of these coastal zones.

Structural measures in the near-shore area, and use change to promote leisure activities, off-shaping measures within these zones as well as the storage of boats and surfboards are able to affect the local landscape significantly.

  • opened daily

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Nature reserve Irrsee Moore
Rund um den Irrsee
4893 Zell am Moos am Irrsee

Phone +43 6232 2270
E-Mail info@mondsee.at

Contact person

Tourismusverband MondSeeLand Mondsee - Irrsee
Dr. F. Müller Straße 3
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 2270
E-Mail info@mondsee.at

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