Our nature reserves
Find out more about our various protected areas and nature reserves around Mondsee and Irrsee.
Find out why lake Mondsee is a protected area of European rank, why the Eurasian curlew is the emblem of the village of Oberhofen at lake Irrsee or why it is not allowed to enter the moors at lake Irrsee, especially with your dog.
Tourism association Mondsee-IrrseeDr. Franz Müller Str. 3
5310 Mondsee
Phone +43 6232 2270
Fax machine +43 6232 2270-22
E-Mail info@mondsee.at
Web mondsee.salzkammergut.at/en
Our nature reserves
European protected area Mondsee
The Mondsee is a protected area of European rank! European protected area Mondsee In 1992 the European Union issued the so-called Fauna-Flora Habitat Directive. It lists landscape types, as well as plants and animals, which are considered to be…
Nature reserve Irrsee
One of the oldest nature reserves in Upper Austria. A Quote from "Protected and Protected Landscapes of Upper Austria, author Bruno Weinmeister, 1967.The lakes are a noble ornament of our country, as it were, its eyes, in which the sky is reflected.…
Nature reserve Irrsee Moore
The moors around the Irrsee are a unique protected Habitat. Source of the description: Naturschutzdatenbank des Landes OberösterreichCharacteristics:The nature reserve "Irrseemoors" is made up of several parts in the area of the north, east and…
Nature reserve Irrsee Nordmoors
Refuge for nesting birds Caution - please do not enter the meadows, as this could disturb the birds in your breeding process. If you have a dog with you, please take him to the leash near the sensitive surfaces.This nature reserve is a land of…
Nature conservation area estuary Fuschler Ache
Specially designated nature reserve in the Europa nature reserves Mondsee - Attersee This special protected area is one of the last near-natural shores of Lake Mondsee, certainly the most extensive. The area is characterized by the presence of a…