© Foto: TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Valentin Weinhäupl: Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.
Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.

#Mondsee #Irrsee



Mondsee am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
In the "Bildhauerhaus" lived the baroque sculptor Meinrad Guggenbichler, from 1678 to 1723.
From 1678 to 1723 this house was inhabited by one of the famous Baroque sculptors of his time, the Swiss Meinrad Guggenbichler. The "Sculptor of Mansee", as it was called in his time, is responsible for the rich design of the Mondsee basilica, the high altar in Straßwalchen and the churches in the Mondseeland. Abbot Coelestin Kolb, it is attributable to the artist who settled in Mondsee in 1679 and erected a workshop here. He married Catharina Aidtenpichler, a cousin of the moon, and five children and four girls were born, and an illegitimate son was known in rhinestones. The house in Herzog-Odilo-Strasse No. 37 had to be sold after the death of Guggenbichlers. This was acquired by the sculptor Anton Koch, including the garden and the sculptor's sculpture. In the old Mondsee land register it is still managed as a sculptor's house

Visible all year round from the outside

  • Can only be viewed from outside

Accessibility / arrival


Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 2270
Fax machine +43 6232 2270 - 22
E-Mail info@mondsee.at
Web www.mondsee.at

Contact person

Tourismusverband MondSeeLand Mondsee-Irrsee

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