© Foto: TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Valentin Weinhäupl: Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.
Ein Mann und eine Frau auf einem Aussichtsplatz Nähe der Hilfbergkirche in Mondsee. Von diesem Platz aus kann man den gesamten See überblicken.

#Mondsee #Irrsee



Zell am Moos am Irrsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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The Irrsee, or Zellersee, as it is mainly called by the locals in Zell am Moos, is under nature protection mainly because of the surrounding moors. These are located in the northern, southern and eastern bank areas and have a total size of around 50 hectares. The majority of these are fen areas that lie in the silting area of the lake. The fen meadows with pipe grass, stiff sedge, Davallseggen, Schnabelried or rushes are characteristic. The northern moors of the Irrsee are a specialty, they are silting moors that lie a little inland with exceptionally rare plant species and an important refuge for meadow-breeding birds. This is why these meadows may not be entered under any circumstances. But if you keep the necessary respectful distance, you can observe rare bird species here, from the curlew and the corncrake to the lapwing and snipe. Small songbirds that love the landscape around the Irrsee are whinchat, stonechat, meadow pipit, field owl and reed bunting.

All year round

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
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Please get in touch for more information.


Zell am Moos
4893 Zell am Moos am Irrsee

Phone +43 6234 8215
E-Mail gemeinde@zell-moos.ooe.gv.at
Web www.oberoesterreich.at/zell-am-moos

Contact person

Gemeinde Zell am Moos
Kirchenplatz 1
4893 Zell am Moos am Irrsee

Phone +43 6234 8215
E-Mail gemeinde@zell-moos.ooe.gv.at
Web www.oberoesterreich.at/zell-am-moos

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