Kitesurfing on lake Mondsee
Before you start kitesurfing on your own on a spot you don't know please read the following rules and tips. We call on you that you know and follow the rules that kitesurfing will be possible in the future.
If you have any questions or doubts concerning kitesurfing on the Mondsee lake please feel free to contact our kitesurf centre.
Lake Mondsee is for kitesurfers solely in spring and fall with wind from the east attractive. Than the wind blows sideshore at the southern end of the lake. The water entrance is called "Kreuzstein" and about 500m after the tunnel. Here you find a 200m long and 5m wide beach. This is the place to setup your kite and start parallel to the waterline. Landing the kite on this beach is not possible. We recommend to water the kite before the beach and swim back a few meters.
- As mentioned you find: lake - beach - street - meadow. It is not allowed to setup the kite in the meadow and cross the street to water it. This would be crossly negligent and is dangerous
- Please be considerate of swimmers and fishermen. If there are too many guests that it is not possible to water your kite without danger please come back another time.
- Please do not park your car on the street.
- If you do not manage to keep height we recommend a small bay next to the bigger house on the southern bank. Water your kite before the reed and use the plain exit.
- Never start at places signed as private.
- You might spot kiters starting at the restaurant "Dachsbrücke" on the northern shoreline. This are mainly pros. Please do not start at this place - your kite might fall down on the street - this is very dangerous.
- If wind comes from west or from the mountains we can not offer proper starting spots.
We strive towards a smooth kitesurfing on the Mondsee lake. Lots of energy and time has been invested in the past to work out the rules and convince other watersport aficionados that kitesurfing is serious sport too. Please be considerate of all other persons using the Mondsee lake as a leisure time arena. Thank You!
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Kitesurfcentre Mondsee: or +43 (0) 676/84102411
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Tourism association Mondsee-IrrseeDr. Franz Müller Str. 3
5310 Mondsee
Phone +43 6232 2270
Fax machine +43 6232 2270-22